3 things to do if you are injured
You have obviously hurt yourself so don't be a hero and rest up.
Listen to the doctor or physo and do what they tell you.
If we try and rush the healing all we do is push the recovery time further and further away.
So except it and embrace the rest!
2. Read an inspiring book
Find a new book or visit an old one that inspires you.Get lost in your mind on an experience that fills you with excitement and joy.
A favourite of mine is Born to Run by Christopher McDougall.
Not only is it beautifully written, it is an inspiring and thought provoking book on running.
So raid the book store, load up your kindle or ask a friend and get inspired.
3. Plan your next adventure
There is nothing quite like a goal to motivate you to put in that extra effort.
So your on the couch, that is the best place to start to devise you next trip, race or my personal favourite; a combination of both.
What a great question to ask yourself.
Where can I next go and run?
It may be local and something that can be done as soon as you are fit again or a far away land like Chile to Patagonia or to run in the Alps.
Both provide great sustinance to keep you motivated.
Even when the body is static the mind can be active.
Whatever you do remember the body is an amazing thing
and has the strength to heal as long as you give it the time
and respect it deserves.
So rest, read and plan.
Soon enough you will be healthier, brighter and off on another adventure.
Happy resting !
Douglas Fullcoursetrails