Mountain Running in Glen Etive

To continue my obsession with the mountains.  

A 4am start saw me dancing through the early morning light.

As the sun rose behind so did the mountains appear ahead.I was off to explore a new place to run and to say I was excited would be an under statement.

The Glen

Just before you hit Glen Coe there is a turn down a single track road for 16 miles that takes you along a wondrous journey.

Glen Etive is a hidden gem settled amongst some of the magnificent Munros of this area.

Today I set my sights high upon the hills to explore this beautiful area and climb three of these old giants of the glen.

  • Ben Starav 1078m 

  • Beinn nan Aighenan 960m

  • and Glas Bheinn Mhor 997m

This is a glimpse of my day and a moment to realise I had met an old friend for the first time. https:

Filmed on the run April 21st, 2018, Glen Etive, Scotland

Keep Exploring





The Great Outdoors